Thank you so much for choosing The Twelve Days of Murder for your book club, I hope it prompts some interesting chats! Here are a few questions to help get the discussion started…

1 – All the Masqueraders except Charley behave selfishly and obnoxiously, but do any of them have redeeming features? Or did you dislike all of them equally?
2 – Shona says “every Christmas story, from Krampus to Scrooge, is about the rewarding of the virtuous and the punishment of the sinner.” Do you agree?
3 – How do you feel about the way the characters helped each other out in the real world. Is it corruption or just friends giving each other a helping hand?
4 – Did you agree with all Charley’s choices in the book?
5 – How did the setting of Snellbronach house and the cold glen affect the atmosphere of the story?
6 – Charley spends a lot of time worrying about what other people think – unlike Dasha and Shona who don’t care. Does this give her an advantage when solving the mystery?
7 – Do you have any character you wish had survived?
8 – If you could play a Murder Masquerade evening anywhere, where would it be and what character would you like to play?
Thanks for reading The Twelve Days of Murder – I hope you enjoyed it!