Workshop: How to crack social media as a writer

the festival logo featuring play on words in pink jangly letters, with a purple clouds around the Y

Are you a writer? Have you ever wondered if you’re doing social media ‘right?’ My talk at Artful Scribe’s Play on Words festival on October 26 could help you make sense of things. It’s not designed to force you into making lip-synching TikToks when you don’t want to. Instead it’ll help you figure out what you want to say, what platform you want to use to say it, and how to reach the widest possible audience.

This is my first time at Play on Words which takes place in New Milton, Hampshire. I love the informal sociable feel to the event. It’s for readers, writers and lovers of words, which is basically me in a nutshell. Tickets to my talk and others are available here. Alternatively, you can attend the whole day of talks and workshops for just over £25. Pay-what-you-can and pay-it-forward options are also available. If you are planning to come to mine, please do bring a notepad and pen, I’m having great fun figuring out exercises and learning quite a bit myself in the process.

If you’re based anywhere the New Forest I hope to see you there!